Proceedings of the International Geometry Center

ISSN-print: 2072-9812
ISSN-online: 2409-8906
ISO: 26324-2012

The equivalence of the affine classification and classification with the help of the Grassman image of the points of the surfaces in the Minkowski space

DOI: 10.15673/tmgc.v1i10.550 (rus)

  • Полина Георгиевна Стеганцева
  • Марина Александровна Гречнева

Abstract | Full Text: The article deals with the problem, connected with the classification of the points of the two - dimensional surfaces in the four - dimensional Minkowski space. The affine classification and classification with the help of the Grassman image have been made. The conditions of the equivalence of these classifications have been found.


  • пространство Минковского
  • грассманов образ