Proceedings of the International Geometry Center

ISSN-print: 2072-9812
ISSN-online: 2409-8906
ISO: 26324-2012

Trajectory equivalence of optimal Morse flows on closed surfaces

DOI: 10.15673/tmgc.v11i1.916 (eng)

  • Злата Кибалко
  • Олександр Олегович Пришляк
  • Roman Shchurko

Abstract | Full Text: We consider optimal Morse flows on closed surfaces. Up to topological trajectory equivalence such flows are determined by marked chord diagrams. We present list all such diagrams for flows on nonorientable surfaces of genus at most 4 and indicate pairs of diagrams corresponding to the flows and their inverses.


  • Morse
  • topological classification
  • flow
  • chord diagram