Proceedings of the International Geometry Center

ISSN-print: 2072-9812
ISSN-online: 2409-8906
ISO: 26324-2012

Morse-Smale flows on the torus with a hole

DOI: 10.15673/tmgc.v1i10.549 (ukr)

  • Олександр Олегович Пришляк
  • Андрій Анатолійович Прус

Abstract | Full Text: In this work we consider Morse-Smale flows on torus with hole whose singularities lie on the boundary of this surface. A complete topological invariant for such flows is constructed and total number of topologically non-equivalent flows on this surface with 4, 6 and 8 singular points is calculated. We also obtain a topological classification of these flows and describe their topological structure.


  • поле Морса-Смейла
  • потік Морса-Смейла
  • тор з діркою
  • топологічна класифікація