Proceedings of the International Geometry Center

ISSN-print: 2072-9812
ISSN-online: 2409-8906
ISO: 26324-2012

Invariant objects of holomorphically projective transformations of LCK-manifolds

DOI: 10.15673/tmgc.v10i3-4.772 (ukr)

  • Евгений Владимирович Черевко
  • Елена Евгеньевна Чепурная

Аннотація | Повний текст: The article is devoted to the problem of holomorphically projective transformations of locally conformal Kaehler manifolds. it's worth to be noted,  that J. Mikes and Z. Radulovich have proved that a locally conformal Kaehler manifold  does not admit finite nontrivial holomorphically projective mappings for  a Levi-Civita connection. Earlier we had proved that  a locally conformal Kaehler manifold  also does not admit nontrivial infinitesimal holomorphically projective transformations for a Levi-Civita connection. But since the Weyl connection defined by Lee form on a locally conformal Kaehler manifold  is F-connection, hence for the connection   nontrivial infinitesimal holomorphically projective transformations  are admitted. Then we rewrote the system of partial differential equations for the Levi-Civita connection. So we introduced  so called infinitesimal conformal holomorphically projective transformations. We have got the necessary and sufficient  conditions in order that the a locally conformal Kaehler manifold  admits a group of infinitesimal conformal holomorphically projective transformations. Also we have calculated  the number of parameters which the group depend on. We have got invariants, i. e. a tensor and a non-tensor which are preserved by the transformations. And finally, we have proved that  a vector field which generates infinitesimal conformal holomorphically projective transformations of a compact locally conformal Kaehler manifold  is contravariant almost analytic.

Ключові слова:

  • Ермітові многовиди
  • конформно келерові мнговиди
  • форма Лі
  • конформно голоморфно-проективні перетворення