Proceedings of the International Geometry Center

ISSN-print: 2072-9812
ISSN-online: 2409-8906
ISO: 26324-2012

On canonical quasi-geodesic mappings of recurrent-parabolic spaces

DOI: 10.15673/tmgc.v10i3-4.773 (rus)

  • Ірина Миколаївна Курбатова
  • Дар'я Віталівна Лозієнко

Аннотація | Повний текст: Studying of the entered earlier quasi-geodesic mappings of recurrent parabolic spaces continues. The express class of such mappings - canonical quasi-geodesic mappings is allocated. Geometrical objects, invariant under considered mappings are constructed. Metrics of the recurrent  parabolic spaces admitting canonical  quasi-geodesic mappings on the flat space are found. The recurrent parabolic spaces with vector fields of particular type admitting canonical quasi-geodesic mappings  are indicated.

Ключові слова:

  • Параболическая структура
  • квази-геодезическое отображение